Choppy Markets Follow Strong Up Trends
The first half of 2021 has been a choppy, sideways market.
The first half of 2021 has been a choppy, sideways market.
The month of May was a choppy one in the market as stocks consolidated the gains made in April.
The three major stock market indexes made nice gains in April. The S&P 500 and the Nasdaq each gained about 5% and the Dow gained 2.7%.
The big story in February was interest rates, not the short term rates that the Federal Reserve controls, but longer term rates set by the bond market.
Year-end is the time to review your Flexible Spending Accounts, also known as FSAs. Not all plans use a calendar year, but many do.
Your child’s 18th Birthday is a milestone for her as well as for you. Under the law, she is an adult, and this is reason for you to have an important conversation.